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Fully Utilized Bot-driven Operations for Modern Artistic Technologies in Interstellar Celebrations

Welcome to the Fubar glitch art applications site!

Fubar (/'fu:bar/, est. 2015) is a free access annual program focused on electronic experiments and research in contemporary error-themed digital art theory and practice.

If you can participate at the IRL event during OCT 5-11 please apply to the ZAGREB events call.
If you can participate URL beyond OCT 5-11, check-in to the year-round Fauxbar ONLINE events call.

Deadlines and details: fubar.space/program

Your data will be used and stored by the /'fu:bar/ team solely for organizing events. If selected, your artist and artwork details will be published. We use essential cookies for website functionality and security. formatc.hr/privacy-policy

We always test in production. If you encounter any nasty glitches, please contact us.

FUBOMATIC Art Application System is powered by <3 @ Format C x hacklab01.org